Title: The Artist’s Studio on the rue de la Condamine
Artist:Bazille· Frederic(1841-1870)
Work Date: 1870
Materials: Oil on canvas
Size: h98 x w128.5 cm
Collection: Musee d’Orsay, Paris
Inside his studio, Bazille is showing one of his picture to fellow artist Claude Monet and Edouard Manet (with the hat). Played the piano on the right,is Edmond Maître.To the left is Pierre Auguste Renoir (seated) ,deep in conversation with the writer Zola (Standing on stairs). It is a fascinating glimpse into the world of the artist at that time, his friends and everyday surroundings. The picture itself also shows Bazille’s bold modelling of figures, and the broad handling of colours that became his hallmark.
Jean-Frédéric Bazille, was a French painter associated with the Impressionists. 1841 born in Montpellier. He left home in 1860 to study medicine in Paris. But his passion for painting overcame the obligation。 He soon left school to pursue art. It was during these formative years that he met fellow painters Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Alfred Sisley, who would join Bazille in founding the revolutionary Impressionist movement of the late nineteenth century.He was killed in battle in the war with Prussia in 1870, at the age of only 29.
創作日期: 1870
尺寸:h98 x w128.5 cm
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