Title: A Studio at Les Batignolles
Artist:Henry • Latour (1836-1904)
Work Date: 1870
Materials: Oil on canvas
Size: h204xw273.5cm
Collection: Musee d’Orsay, Paris
Les Batignolles was the district where Manet and many of the future Impressionists lived. Fantin-Latour, a quiet observer of this period, has gathered around Manet, presented as the leader of the school, a number of young artists with innovative ideas: from left to right, we can recognise Otto Schölderer, a German painter who had come to France to get to know Courbet's followers, a sharp-faced Manet, sitting at his easel; Auguste Renoir, wearing a hat; Zacharie Astruc, a sculptor and journalist; Emile Zola, the spokesman of the new style of painting; Edmond Maître, a civil servant at the Town Hall; Frédéric Bazille, who was killed a few months later during the 1870 war, at the age of twenty-six; and lastly, Claude Monet.
HenriFantin-Latour(1836-1904) grew up in Paris where he studied painting with his father. Although friendly with contemporary painters and writers, Fantin gradually withdrew from this active society to paint group portraits and still lifes in his own conservative style. His work strongly influenced the symbolist movement of the late 19th Century.
創作日期: 1870
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